
Nicole de Boer


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Image © by Paramount Pictures

Rolle:Ezri Dax (In: DS9)
TV-Serien: Deepwater Black (1997) [Yuna], JFK: Reckless Youth (1993) (mini) [Olive Cawley], Catwalk (1992), Beyond Reality (1991) [Celia], Forever Knight (1992) [Jeannie] {Dark Knight I+II}, E.N.G (1993/94) [Nancy Bergman] {The Play's the Thing}, [Brenda] {Baby It's you}, The Outer Limits (1995) [Cadet 2nd class Bree Tristan] {Quality of Mercy}, Poltergeist: The Legacy (1996) [Samantha Wallace] {The Crystal Scarab}, Psi Factor: Chronicles of the Paranormal (1996) [Kelly Tanner] {Possession}
Fernsehfilme: The Kissing Place (1990) [Cathy], Family Pictures (1993) [Penny], The Counterfeit Contessa (1994), When Innocence Is Lost (1997)
Kinofilme: Cube (1997) [Leaven], Kids in the Hall: Brain Candy (1996), Senior Trip (1995) [Meg Smith], Jungleground (1995) [Caitlin], Prom Night IV: Deliver Us from Evil (1992) [Meagan]